martes, 12 de mayo de 2015

Walden 7 houses, space for a life journey...

At the end of all, architecture has to full fill humans needs. 

Walden 7 houses, it was for me an experience were I was able to fell and see how communism, art deco, dust, rhythm,architecture, cubism, hippie, monster presence from the industrial cement elements were imposing, can create spaces and integrate in nature at the same time. It is the building that speaks for itself, from the beginning, basement were the life ends until the top were the sky can be perceived as a limit. It is like a story were all are invited to build and find there own rhythm and experience. A project were you have the impression that you are alone in a labyrinth or that you are inside a closed city, were life has its own journey, hided all the exterior. 

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