A decorative art and furniture company which was founded by William Morris, Charles Faulkner, Peter Paul Marshall and many of their "Pre-Raphaelites" associates and friends. The most influential period for the company was during the 1880s-90s. The company was later known as Morris & Co. as the partnership dissolved due to uncommon ground between the partners regarding their share returns. It is though that Morris had been repeating patterns for wallpaper(some of the most famous Morris and Co. work) from as early as 1862 and many of these designs are currently situated in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London (It's worth a look). One of the main inspirations for these wallpapers was Nature, Morris would observe plants wherever he went. Whether it be in his garden, on a walk or 16th century woodcuts. It is said Morris personally designed 50+ wallpapers in his lifetime (not including any company creations).
"If you venture on a more decided patterning ... you ought always to go for positive patterns ... the Daisy, Trellis, Vine, Chrysanthemum ... Acanthus or such". - Morris
'Acanthus', wallpaper by William Morris, 1875. Museum no. E.495-1919, © Victoria & Albert Museum, London
'Daisy' wallpaper by William Morris, 1864. Museum no. E.443-1919, © Victoria & Albert Museum, London
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