martes, 14 de abril de 2015

Villa Savoye - 'a machine for living"

For 1929, a picture with a building like this was like Casa Milla for the people from Barcelona (strange). Villa Savoye was close to be "out"of "space", with a look that can be easily sensitive for the conservative eyes. Today all of the masters ( Corbusier) projects are a real leading testimony for a visionaries capacity and still proves how a genius was able to maintain such high standards for architecture.

Following the "skin and bone" description, the project was build in order to prove an avantgarde and to make future possible. Corbusier made this project the door to the modern architecture, a reaction to the new age machine. The house single handedly transformed Le Corbusier's career as well as the principles of the international style, becoming one of the most important architectural precedent in history.

Villa Savoye's detachment from its physical context lends its design to be contextually integrated into the mechanistic-industrial context of the early 20th century, conceptually defining the house as a mechanised entity. 

Le Corbusier is famous for standing "The house is a machine for living". This statement is not simply translated into the design of a human scaled assembly line, rather the design begins to take on innovative qualities and advances found in other fields of industry, in the name of efficiency. And by efficiency THE FIVE POINTS OF ARCHITECTURE:

Pilotis (slender columns)
Flat roof terrace
Open space
Ribbon Windows
Free Facade (free of structural members)

In response to his aspirations of mechanised design, Le Corbusier established "The five points" of architecture, which is simply a list of prescribed elements to be incorporated in design. This five points can be also though of as Le Corbusier's modern interpretation of Vitrivius "Ten Book on Architecture, not literally in the sense of an instructional manual for architects, but rather necessary components in design. So much so that Villa Savoye is tailored to Corbusier's Five Points.

The general aspect of the project is that once you are inside you have the felling of more spaces in one, that are moving towards a communal architectural behaviour. 

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